YOU know why you know why you know why?!
cause MY OLLIE IS FUCKING constant ^_^
AFTER TWO WEEKS OF non-stop skating
anyways ...... today i went out with Lorraine , Michaela and LIN
well at first i met lin , samuel , aizat and farhan ...
we were bored so we did our USUAL stuff
i bet you dont whats our *USUAL STUFF*
while i was waiting for them ...
i was doing my *KICKFLIP 3000*
yes KICKFLIP 30000! :O!
and then i fell -_-
Michaela LAUGHED SO HARD that
she spilt her coke all over her shoe
yeaaaahhh but but!
my kickflip is gona be steady! sooooonnnnn~
just wait till i put a video :D
then about 6 plusss he had our *dinner*
at the 7-11 ?! :O
hahhahaahhahaa we Poooorrrr ar
no money lehxzxzxzxzzxzxz! ^_^
Bestfriend thinks its cute to type like that (:
Then.... at night Lin and i skate at esplanade , and clarke quay there
while the other two girls just watched us skate (:
They were so nice know... they even bought us DRINKS
i wanna put a video that lin went up the big hill thing
awesome i tell you .. but i'll just upload pictures instead ^_^
I dont know where the light came from but its awesome~