Today was fun =D
Aizat woke me up in the morning because he wanna play this game at a lan shop -_-
i met him and he never say hi to me know , he was like
*you got cig* -___-
so we headed to bugis and played that game for like a couple of hours
and maaan did i trashed him :D
im a DOTA PRO!
i think im turning into a DOTA geeek :O
then TERENCE joined us and watched me TRASHED Aizat
Later on in the evening we met Farhan , Shafeeqa and my BESTFRIEND ^_^
We watched this ROBOT movie :D i tell you the robot girl was on FIREEE!
chyeaaahhhh~ it was awesome
snatching popcorn and drinks in the cinema O_O
and one time i had use the bathroom :O! AT THE GOOD PART :O!:O!

This is Aizat
And Terence
School is reopening next monday :O
all those with long hair *MUST CUT HAIR* :p i mean guys
im in a private school so they dont really care
Its good to be in a private school i guess you dont have to wear uniform and all
but the VERY SAD thing is that i dont get to see these guys on school days anymore
no more eating mee soto in the canteen anymore
no more going around school making trouble
no more running away from the DM
*because we are really bad bad BAAAD kids* :D
but loook at the bright side only one more year to go ^_^
maybe we'll end up in the same poly or something :D
ok thats about it for today