This is how my tragic story goes ..
i was happily surfing the InterWEB and i realize something
Everyone had a blog and i dont =O
so i got jealous and mad
so I went to youtube and watched
*How to create a BLOG*
Bestfriend was NOT helping me at all
i swear all she had to say to me was *HAVE FUN MAKING A BLOG*
i BET you're reading this now and wondering eh?!
*i didnt know this guy had a blog*
WELL i do now ^_^

Thats my girlfriend O_O

I caught a butterfly and it wouldnt fly away
im guessing it cant fly O_O
or its sleeping?
but its still a pretty creature~
- she scream in cinema (horror film)
- she like to wake up very ealry in the morning
- yet she still have eyebags muahahahahaahah ^_^
- she has curly hair *i dont like curly hair*
- I think her eyes got problem *she thinks im fat*
- she always wear long long long~ skirt
- AND HER PERFUME AH TELL YOU! smell like aunty
- she IS cute *ahahaha :D , no seriously*
- she's like a kid totally not mature *Totally~*
- but she's still my bestfriend and SHE'S VVVV NICE ^_^
I Hope you're reading this .. im not a satan
i write nicee stuff SEEEE!